Wednesday, December 24, 2008

December 24, 2008

Punch Drunk will be appearing in Twisted Dreams.
Autumn on TX-12 will be appearing in Many Midnights.

The year is quickly winding down, but I still have a couple of goals I'd like to meet. The most important thing to me is finishing the novella I've been working on since August. It's 99% complete; now all that's left is to tweak the ending, which has been giving me fits. Second, I'd like to rewrite a story I wrote a couple of weeks ago. This one I feel has potential to be something really special.

Also, this might be the best time as any to talk about my goals for the coming new year. As anyone who has been following my so-far modest career will know, I've been puttsing around in the small press for nearly 5 years. I'd like to think that this coming year will be a break-out year for me, as I have some stories that I think might make a big impact. The challenge, of course, is finding time between work, school, and family responsibilities to get some things done. I just finished reading a biography on the band Nine Inch Nails, which focused a lot on the incredible amount of ambition Trent Reznor had, and his single-mindedness when it came to his work. It was definitely inspirational. So I'm going to try to focus more on my work in the coming year, to spend less time with things that don't pertain to my career, and more time with things that do. Easier said than done, I know, but it doesn't hurt to try.


  1. Chris -

    Just finished "Phobia" in the new Cemetery Moon... great story! I like the description of the drool hanging from the oven's mouth.

  2. Thanks, Greg! I enjoyed your haiku in that issue. you always amaze me with your ability to convey such a vivid image with so few words.

  3. Thanks! you make it sound like an accomplishment, but really it's just my short attention span.

    hot kitchen
    she could've sworn she turned
    the oven off

  4. See what I mean.
